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 I am not a laid back person. I never have been. I worry and get stressed and can be quite negative sometimes. Last year, this started to get slowly worse.

It took a long time to notice it but I lost control of how stressed I was getting. I would randomly start crying in the taxi on the way to a party or struggle to answer the phone at work because I was terrified. I felt like I was losing my mind – thoughts were racing constantly and I kept seeing images in my head of death.


Then one day at work I had my first SEVERE panic attack. Nothing happened, I was just at my desk replying to emails and then suddenly I felt myself losing it. It was like I just couldn’t cope anymore with anything. I didn’t know I was having a panic attack at the time – all I remember is feeling like I was going die.


With encouragement from everyone I booked myself an appointment with the GP as well an appointment with the counselling service. I was taught different techniques and ways in which to cope with what was happening to me – I learnt about mindfulness, breathing techniques, visualization and the power of just ACCEPTING that you're experiencing anxiety and that's okay – it's going to go away eventually. It was really helpful.

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My journey with anxiety has been a process filled with loneliness, shame, and growth.

When we share about these things not only does it help us not be alone, but it normalizes something that is a common experience and challenge for so many of it. It can remove the shame and start the healing!.


My journey with anxiety has been going on my entire life but exploded five years ago in the form of an anxiety attack. I had just landed in Hawaii and started to feel sweaty and sick to my stomach. My breathing became rapid and short.


We collected our bags and went to urgent care. I was having an anxiety attack, but I did not know it. I had no idea why or what was happening, and I was far from home.


We tried to stay for a few days, but it was useless I was not having a good time nor was my husband. We came home, the roughest trip of my life.





On March 31st, 2021 I had an emergency heart procedure. The procedure is called pericardiocentesis. Fluid had filled up in my pericardial sac, literally drowning my heart. This was an unexpected nightmarish event that has since changed my entire life. With the grace of God, and the incredible cardiology team at Memorial Hospital West, the procedure was a success. Afterward, began the recovery. I spent the next several months following the instructions of my cardiologist, as well as seeing a new PCP (primary care physician). I adjusted to my new standards of living, being that I was a very active athletic individual. But now restrained to "take it easy".



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